Homeopathy and Health
Homeopathy is not only an energy medicine, it is also holistic. Homeopaths convincingly argue that the body is much more than the sum of its various parts, and that the mind, the emotions and indeed the organs are somehow intricately interconnected. Consequently, the tratments they give more "rounded"then those found in traditional medicine. They are not just aimed at the symptom, but at the whole person.
Energy Within
The mechanics of this interconnection are elaborate and hard to explain, but is clear than the process really does work. The key point is that underlying the physical and mental system of the body is a refined system of energy which is self-regulating. It generally works extremely well. You sense it in action when you become ill. We usually get better even without taking a medicine. The body heals itself though it might need support when its own natural energy is low.
The healing process is like running a car. Modern cars are so efficient that, provided you maintain them properly, give them the right fuel and drive them sensibly, problems seldom arise. Then one night you forget to turn off the lights and the next morning the battery is flat and your car incapacitated. The only way to get it moving again - the only cure - is to get transfer of energy, in the form of a jump start from another battery. Homeopathy is in many ways just like getting a energizing jump start.
Homeopathy is becoming increasingly popular because of the serious concerns about drugs-based orthodox medicine. Many drugs are toxic and the side-effects are not observable, the long-term consequences from the excessive use of drugs are not always fully appreciated. In fact modern medicine seldom cures, and it does not even pretend to. What it does do is alleviate and palliate the symptoms, and manage the illness, but since it addresses the symptoms and rarely the cause, the results are not entirely satisfactory.
Homeopathy is different because it is safe and it does not treat the removal of symptoms as an end in itself. Symptoms are considered as signs of distress or adjustment. The correct remedy removes the cause of the problem;the symptoms will then fade away. Homeopathy is highly rated because it takes into account the nature of the person. It knows that when two people have been diagnosed as having the same illness, they can actually become ill in quite different remedies to effect a satisfactory cure.
Defining Disease
We become ill when our energy is depleted or when we are out of harmony in fact the word "disease"could be more written "dis-ease", indicating that we are definitely not at ease, and for disease to be cured it is not necessary to give it a name. To cure homeopathically depends on a sensitive, accurate analysis of the symptoms. There is usually no need for a diagnosis, for it is widely said that there are no diseases, only what might be called people who are "dis-ease".
Except for any life-threatening situations, symptoms are not the primary problem. They reflect a picture which shows how the system is making adjustment to heal itself. For example, both diarrhoea and vomiting are the body's way of ridding itself of unwanted "material", and the intolerable itching of eczema does not specifically mean that you have a skin disease. Rather it means that there is an imbalance in your whole system, and that your body is pushing the problem to the safest possible place, well away from the essential organ. The skin becomes an organ of elimination.
Treating the Whole Person
Some people are very robust and seldom become ill, others are over-sensitive and become run-down and sick after a slight chill or an emotional upset. For some, the chest is the greatest weakness : winter cold quicklyturn to bronchitis. With others digestion is the problem : the slightest unusual change to their diet causes an immediate upset. Homeopathy acknowledge these many differences and adjust all treatments accordingly. The professional homeopath will always prescribe "constitutionally"to try to strengthen the weak areas, as well as the whole system.